Monday, March 2, 2020

Goodbye February! Aromatherapy and Influenza Virus (Coronavirus)

February was a month all over the map for me! I'm so happy to have turned the calendar page! Someone said Mercury is in Retrograde, so perhaps that was part of the reason that February was not my best month so far this year; and it even had that extra day! Good bye Leap Year!

I joined the YMCA and started to go to the pool for water aerobics, took advantage of the exercise classes, and had a one hour orientation on proper use of all the gym equipment. That all started on February 1st.

Then on February 14th, I got sick - really sick! (Happy Valentine's Day - not!). It wasn't the flu, I didn't have a fever, but it knocked me flat for about 5 days. I didn't work, and pretty much spent all five days on the couch sleeping. Sore throat, sinusy, earache - I was miserable! 

I started to feel good after about ten days, but on the 28th I had dental surgery! My jaw is swollen and bruised, and today is the first day I felt like going outside. Gheesh - soft foods for 10 days, antibiotics for a week, and thank goodness for pain pills. 

Now all the hysteria about the Coronavirus! I've already seen some claims on Amazon and Etsy seller pages claiming that there are essential oils that can kill the virus! Now, don't you think if that was true, that the pharmaceutical companies would be patenting and selling them via prescription and making a huge profit!!!??? There are already enough false claims about essential oils out there, and now people are trying to take advantage of this health crisis. 

I've been doing a lot of research on it, and I'm going to share a couple of web pages with you that have good, solid information about how to help prevent catching the virus, and the role that essential oils can play in helping you stay healthy. These are from world renowned experts in the field of aromatherapy.  

Salvatore Battaglia Blog Post

Madeline Kerkhof Post

Here's another good site too: Novel Coronavirus Aromatherapy Guide: Essential Oils Dos & Donts

I made inhalers for my  husband and I, and I do plan to make more and send them to my family members. 

As with all respiratory viruses, there are many simple preventative actions one can take. Follow this simple good advice:

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the rubbish bin
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • And wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands

I'm going to reopen my Etsy site and offer the inhalers there at a reasonable price, along with my skin care serums and pain lotions and potions. I've been pondering doing that anyway, so this is a good kick in the pants to open the shop and share the knowledge about essential oils that I've learned so far. I've had such success with the skin care and have had many people ask me to sell them, so that's what I'll do! I'll let you know when the shop opens.

Stay healthy and safe!
