Friday, March 25, 2011

Joseph Raffael - Check One off the Bucket List

One of my artistic goals was to actually be nose to glass with a watercolor painting by Joseph Raffael, and today, I actually met that goal!!

Joseph Raffael: Reflections from the Garden

Traveling to the Nancy Hoffman Gallery (who represents Raffael) in the Chelsea District in New York City was/is a possibility, but to be able to view his work right here in southern California, is a special treat. SOKA University is currently displaying some of his best works, for free, Monday through Friday, until April 15, 2011. To say the exhibit is amazing and incredible, is an understatement.

To quote Arie A. Galles, Professor of Art, SOKA University: "Joseph Raffael understands the white of his paper, the brilliance of color, and the depth of luminous shadow. His objects appear drenched in brilliant light, while, at the same time, emanating a luminescence, an internal glow, of their own....There is a calm in the cacophony of shapes and colors, and an energy in each passage of his brush."

If you are in southern California, or plan to visit before April 15, 2011 - don't miss this one!


devotedmomof7 said...

Hey Mary Lou! I didn't know you had a blog. Sorry to be late to the!

Wasn't this Raffael exhibit breath-taking? It was on my bucket list, too and did not disappoint.

Mary Lou Arnold said...

Thanks Cheryl! As you can see, I'm not a very active blogger. ;-)

The exhibit truly was amazing, I could have stayed for hours and hours. I am so glad we had the opportunity to see it right here in SoCal.